I just watched an MTV News report on the rise of lo-fi music: http://perpetua.tumblr.com/post/34249893 in which #Times-New-Viking featured prominently along with #No-Age. No Age have been highly buzzful lately and I've really been trying to get on board, but I haven't quite managed to succeed. I have to agree with Fluxblog: http://www.fluxblog.org/2008/05/wash-away-what-we-create.html Their songs are just a little too generically "90s teen punk" for me. The 90s retro movement that Fluxblog's harping on definitely bothers me about it as well. While this song surely falls into that same genre trap, it has a stronger sense of pop drama. The way the high guitar follows the girl's voice, reinforcing the melody, the more laid back beat, and the slightly darker more complicated harmony all make for a more emotionally evocative effect than any No Age I've heard. This is starting to get into old school #Sleater-Kinney territory, which is a rich vein of influence that wasn't quite as brutally strip-mined as the main artery of the 90s "lo-fi" cliche.
(via Grabb.it)